Friday, 8 February 2013

Early Retirement Is Possible With Smart Media Technologies

Early Retirement Is Possible With Smart Media Technologies

Early retirement is every working person’s hope!
early retirement
Saying  buzz off to the daily grind while you still have your own teeth and maybe hair haha.
In our early retirement scenarios I’m sure we are travelling the world, eating good food, enjoying good health.
But reality paints a different picture.
Lot’s of studies show half of workers between the ages of 30 and 50 plan to retire before they’re 60.
But there is one little snag here.
Retiring early is easy, but making your money last is hard.
One problem we don’t do the math correctly we tend to think in terms of having good health and having full bank accounts.
Let’s take this example the average male life expectancy is 75 and we retire at 55, then our savings and investments need to last for 20 years. And what if we live even longer than average?
What’s the solution here? RESIDUAL INCOME to compliment or surpass our meager savings will make early retirement possible.
smart media technologies
Enter Smart Media Technologies!
Our unique business model offers anyone at any age the ability to capitalize on the biggest technological invention of our lifetime.
The internet.
Smart Media Technologies is developing products and systems that will capitalize on the biggest trends of the internet and it don’t get much bigger than that.
Now imagine being able to give these products away and make money and start planning for early retirement.
Not only make income but residual income you know they kind where you can do the work once and it keeps paying you.
That could make early retirement possible and let’s consider these other facts.
You see life can get tricky during those last five or 10 years.
Do you want to be worrying about money or even still having to do some type of labor or be making money via Smart Media Technologies??
Very few fortunate souls drift away in their sleep at age 88 without ever having major surgeries, hospitalizations or chronic (and expensive) conditions to manage — not to mention the ever-increasing costs of insurance and medicine.
While we tend to overestimate our health, we underestimate our post-retirement financial needs.
A 2002 survey found that only 17 percent of workers thought they’d need 80 percent of their salary after retirement.
Forty percent thought they’d be fine with 60 percent of current earnings.
That might suffice for a few good years, but the longer you live, the less chance your money will last.

Now what if you had residual income coming in with Smart Media Technologies wouldn’t that help you with the goal of early retirement?

Furthermore, isn’t it possible that traveling the world and living out of a suitcase could get pretty tedious?
Did you ever think that you might be bored without a day job?
Do you have enough hobbies and interests to sustain you for 20 to 30 years without business trips, deadlines and daily meetings?
How about helping people and businesses make the most of the internet and smart phones with the products that Smart Media Technologies is creating?
But if you are serious about enjoying early retirement you can make it happen. All it takes is some serious financial planning, a strict budget and some good old-fashioned luck does that sound like fun??
So how do you start planning for an early retirement?

Quick video with more stats and facts about Smart Media Technologies and early retirement:

 Why not take a look at Smart Media Technologies before making all of those early retirement plans.

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