Friday, 8 February 2013

Home Page Pays Communication Features

Home Page Pays Communication Features

I just had to get this post out about Home Page Pays after getting the notice in our back office that Phase 3 of our 4 phase launch would be taking place soon.
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So what exactly am I talking about?
Well Smart Media Technologies has decided to launch Home Page Pays in 4 stages with the 3rd being all reps have access to the system and the 4th being the world at large..(LOOK OUT WORLD!)
So what you will see from me over the next few days are more post and videos about the different features of HPP 2.0 so you can know what we all have to look forward to very soon.
Let’s start with the most used communication feature the Smart Chirp:
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The Smart Chirp feature is the center of communication activity at Home Page Pays. It is a way to communicate with all of your friends and share things publicly a lot like the general timeline on Facebook or Twitter.

You can also comment on other peoples post for a more cohesive yet public conversation at HPP. The ability to share videos, photo’s and links greatly enhances the way we can communicate with the Home Page Pays community.

Next we have the Smart Chat Feature:
The Smart Chat feature offers you a great way to connect more privately in real time or with groups if you like on Home Page Pays. It can be compared to Yahoo Chat, Google Chat, Aim  or any of the more popular chat features.
What I really like about it is the ability to create different groups that you can communicate with separately. For instance you could create a group for your family, one for your customers, clients or prospects and communicate in real time with everyone in the group or individually.
The application for such a feature could be huge for businesses, people with huge followings or network marketers and online marketers wanting to build relationships with their list or others is a great benefit. Also the person without any of these interest can benefit as well with the fun they will have.
But as a business person I tend focus on the business application of our great features.
The last feature I want to cover is our Smart Mail:
home page pays
Yes our own version of email without the hassle is the companies description of this feature and it’s true.
With the ability to send messages to 1 or 1000 people at once and not worry about spam filters or Facebook sending you a warning for “tagging” to many people in a message will be a great relief.
This feature on Home Page Pays will be a welcome feature to anyone in business who wants or needs mass communication tools and also the ability to effectively communicate with individuals as well.
With 100% deliver-ability and using our secure platform. Businesses are going to love the ability to communicate in a secure, effective way and if needed on a large scale at once.
Smart Mail also offers users of Home Page Pays the ability to upload videos and pictures right into our system from their computers and share them with others in Smart Mail.
If you have a moment check out this video on Home Page Pays 2.0:
Have any questions please leave them below.
Like a live preview of Home Page Pays 2.0 request one in the comment section below as well.

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